Incremental backup with K3B on DVD RAM
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Programs and System
We use system with SuSE 10.1 and the K3B disk burning progam. The reasons are:
- You can easy write scripts for k3b
- SuSE is a well known and easy to configure distribution
For pack the date we use tar and gzip.
Backup media
Backup media are dvd RAM, because they are the only media that assure long time support for your data AND that the data is written correctly to the medium. Normal dvd media types don't assure that.
The media must be initially formatted as an incremental media. Otherwise it is not possible to burn multisession dvds!
To do
Do a real incremental backup of your data within the tar files.
Make an archive directory
To save any data you shoulf have a directory appart from your common dokuments. This directory will be burned to the disk entirely. The K3B program than assures that any new data is not burned twice to the disk.
K3b settings
This script is only working, if you prepared k3b for burning your dvd's in multisession. You should save this behaviour for the user as default. The same you should do for initially format dvd's: Choose incremental for the type of formatting. Alternativly you can use the following settings in the k3b config file located here:
The part for dvd formatting should look like this:
[DVD Formatting] force=true quick format=false writer_device=/dev/sr0 writing_app=Automatisch writing_mode=incremental writing_speed=0
The part for default data settings
[default data settings] multisession mode=continue on_the_fly=true
The part for default dvd settings
[default dvd settings] multisession mode=continue on_the_fly=true verify data=true
K3b script
#!/bin/bash # # 2006 # # Backup data to dvd ram with # ## VARIABLES I - user dependend # Please change according to your system. NAME="YourName" # NOT more than 10 chars FOLDER_TO_BACKUP1=/home/${USERNAME}/Desktop BACKUP_FOLDER=/home/${USER}/Deskop ARCHIVE_FOLDER=/home/${USER}/Archive # ## VARIABLES II - system dependend DVD_DEVICE=/dev/sr0 # # YEAR=`date | cut -d " " -f 6` MONTH=`date | cut -d " " -f 2` DAY=`date | cut -d " " -f 3` TIME=`date | cut -d " " -f 4` ACT_DATE="${NAME}_${YEAR}_${MONTH}_${DAY}" TAR_FILE1="${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}/Backup_${ACT_DATE}_${TIME}.tar.gz" # ## MESSAGES # FILES_SAVING_MESSAGE="Your files will be saved ..." # ## PROGRAM # Do not edit beond this # mkdir -p ${ARCHIVE_FOLDER} # Assure the dvd is not mounted umount ${DVD_DEVICE} # The next will ask gnomesu eject ${DVD_DEVICE} eject -t ${DVD_DEVICE} rm ~/.DCOPserver_* kdeinit & k3b PROJECT=$(dcop k3b K3bInterface createDataDVDProject) tar -czvhf ${TAR_FILE1} ${FOLDER_TO_BACKUP1} | zenity --progress --title ${FILES_SAVING_MESSAG} --pulsate --auto-close cd ${ARCHIVE_FOLDER} chmod 0400 * cd - sync sleep 3 dcop $PROJECT setVolumeID ${ACT_DATE} dcop $PROJECT setImageID ${ACT_DATE} dcop $PROJECT addUrl "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}" / dcop $PROJECT burn