SuSE Linux Enterprise Desktop using XGL with NVidia
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To activate Xgl you have to follow a few aspects. Additional Informations you find at Xgl unter SUSE Linux verwenden from which these instructions here were gathered.
Download Novell NVidia Packages
for NVidia.
Install these rpm packages.
Download NVidia driver
Go to your favorite nvidia website and look into the driver archives. Download the appropriate (!) driver version according to
- your pc architecture / kernel
- the corresponding driver version
Consider the downloaded rpm's above.
Go into a shell (Ctrl+Alt+F1) and switch to runlevel three:
init 3
Then install the NVidia driver
modprobe -r nvidia sh -a -n
Using the parameter -a -n avoids the question about licence and matching online binary drivers. We don't need them because we are compiling the kernel ourselves.
Then - if everything went o.k. load the module:
modprobe nvidia
Now you can start sax2 to configure your xserver:
sax2 -m 0=nvidia
After you finished start your xserver by switching back to runlevel five:
init 5
Configure XGL as default Desktop
Look at
how to configure the sysconfig files.
Using YaST, you have to look at the bottom in the sysconfig editor to find the appropriate field.