Difference between revisions of "KVM"

From Blue-IT.org Wiki

(Migration from VirtualBox to KVM)
(Mount qcow images with nbd)
Line 51: Line 51:
  sudo su
  sudo su
  modprobe nbd max_part=8
  modprobe nbd max_part=8
  qemu-nbd --connect=/dev/nbd0 image.qcow2
  qemu-nbd --connect=/dev/nbd0 windows7.qcow2
Now we can handle the nbd device like a normal harddisk.
Now we can handle the nbd device like a normal harddisk.

Revision as of 06:06, 17 April 2014


As time of writign, I am using KVM on a Lenovo ThinkServer TS430. The Machine uses an raid 5 array for the storage of the virtual machines. The Hypervisor is an Zentyal / Ubuntu 12.04 LTS distribution. It runs separately on a single harddisk. Zentyal makes the administration of network, bridges and firewall tasks a lot more easier than a bare ubuntu system, but also adds some complexity to the system.

Concerning creating a good network topology. For the beginner, the follwing articles are a good starting point:

Using VirtualBox and KVM together

Many Torials say using VirtualBox and KVM together at the same server at the same time is NOT possible!!!

One says, it is possible:

You don't have to uninstall either of them! But you have to choose the runtime:

Use VirtualBox

sudo service qemu-kvm stop
sudo service vboxdrv start

OR use KVM

sudo service vboxdrv stop
sudo service qemu-kvm start


Command line foo


 sudo apt-get install ubuntu-vm-builder

Show running machines

virsh -c qemu:///system list

Save and restart a machine (hibernate)

virsh save $VM /data/savedstate/$VM
virsh restore /data/savedstate/$VM

Show bridges

brctl show

Show iptables rules

watch -n2 iptables -nvL -t nat

Mount qcow images with nbd

Sometimes a qcow(2)-image does not start. There is an easy way to mount and recover such images with linux with the nbd kernel module (network block device).

Lets assume, you like to check and repair an Windows 7 image, which normally has to ntfs partitions.

sudo su
modprobe nbd max_part=8
qemu-nbd --connect=/dev/nbd0 windows7.qcow2

Now we can handle the nbd device like a normal harddisk.

Then there will be the following output with e.g. cfdisk

cfdisk /dev/nbd0

Name     Flags   Part Typ    FS Type     [Label]             Size (MB)
                 Pri/Log     Free Space                      1,05
nbd0p1   Boot    Primary     ntfs        [System-reservier]  104,86   
nbd0p2           Primary     ntfs                            42842,72
                 Pri/Log     Free Space          

You can mount the partitions ...

mount /dev/nbd0p1 MOUNTPOINT_P1
mount /dev/nbd0p2 MOUNTPOINT_P2

... or check them with ntfsck or other tools.

ntfsck /dev/nbd0p1

Migration from VirtualBox to KVM

This boils down to

  1. having a lot of time
  2. having a lot of free harddisk space
  3. creating a clone of the vbox-machine with VBoxManage clonehd (this can take a looooong time!). Kloning is the easiest way of getting rid of snapshots of an existing virtual machine.
  4. converting the images from vdi to qcow-format with qemu-img convert
  5. creating and configuring a new kvm-guest
  6. adding some fou to NAT with a qemu-hook (see next section)

To clone an image - on the same machine - you have to STOP kvm and start vboxdr (see above). Also be aware, that the raw-images take up a lot of space!

# The conversion can take some time. Other virtual machines are not accessible in this time
VBoxManage clonehd -format RAW myOldVM.vdi /home/vm-exports/myNewVM.raw
cd /home/vm-exports/
qemu-img convert -f raw myNewVM.raw -O qcow2 myNewVM.qcow

Cloning a Snapshot:

# for a snapshot do (not tested)
cd /to/the/SnapShot/dir
VBoxManage clonehd -format RAW "SNAPSHOT_UUID" /home/vm-exports/myNewVM.raw

Accessing a - via Zentyal configured - bridged machine

On ubuntu 12.04 there is a Ubuntu bug #50093 (mentioned here) which prevents accessing a machine inside the bridges network:

> vim /etc/sysctl.conf
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 0
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 0
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-arptables = 0


sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf  

Make permanent

> vim /etc/rc.local
*** Sample rc.local file ***
/sbin/sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf
iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS  --clamp-mss-to-pmtu
exit 0


tail /proc/sys/net/bridge/*
iptables -L  FORWARD

> brctl show
bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces 
br1             8000.50e5492d616d       no              eth1 

Accessing services on KVM guests behind a NAT


Be careful. By doing this, you open up ports to the outside world. If you are using pfSense in front of your host or another firewall you can simply restrict this by using VPN.

Access from internet to guest:

internet -> pfSense (WAN / host ip and port) 
         -> host port -> iptables -> nat bridge -> guest port

Access only via vpn to guest

internet -> pfSense (OpenVPN / host ip and port) 
         -> host port -> iptables -> nat bridge -> guest port

Pfsense port forward kvm nat bridge.png

The qemu hook

This is done by editing a hook-script for quemu:


This script can be literally anything. A bash script, a python script, whatever

It looks like this

vim /etc/libvirt/hooks/qemu
run_another_sript param1 param2

Please look at KVM#qemu_hook_script section for an example using this to configure your own iptable rules for your machines.

I am referring to this article:

which is mentioned in the libvirt wiki:

Control NAT rules

IpTables is what you want. But there are some pitfalls:

  1. the prerouting rules, that enable a port forwarding into the nat'ed machine must be applied before (!) the virtual machine starts
  2. if you have a service installed like zentyal, or you are restarting your firewall, all rules are set back
  3. libvirt nat-rules for the bridges are applied at service start time - this can interfere with other rules
  4. This is done by a quemu-hook script, called /etc/libvirt

On Zentyal, there are other pitfalls. Please Zentyal read this.

An example

The PREROUTING rules vor vm-1 open up the ports 25, 587, 993 and 8080 for the NAT'ed virtual machine with the IP So they are accessible from the outside world (webserver, e-mail-server, ...). This also means, that they can not be used any more in the host sytem (you should set the admin interface of e.g. zentyal to a different port).

he POSTROUTING chains are set automatically by virt-manager and allow the virtual-machine accessing the internet from inside of the machine using NAT.

iptables -nvL -t nat [--line-number]

Then you should see something like the following.

root@myHost:# iptables -nvL -t nat
Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT 216 packets, 14658 bytes)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination         
   6   312 DNAT       tcp  --  *      *              tcp dpt:1222 to:
   2   120 DNAT       tcp  --  *      *              tcp dpt:1223 to:
   0     0 DNAT       tcp  --  *      *              tcp dpt:1444 to:
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 14 packets, 2628 bytes)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination         
Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 12 packets, 818 bytes)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination         
Chain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT 17 packets, 1048 bytes)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination         
   0     0 MASQUERADE  tcp  --  *      *    !     masq ports: 1024-65535
   6   406 MASQUERADE  udp  --  *      *    !     masq ports: 1024-65535
   0     0 MASQUERADE  all  --  *      *    !

Qemu hook script

A script from here is a little bit altered:

  • Guest port same as host port
  • ability to apply more than one port
  • ability to serve more than one guest
  • you can not distinguish between inside and outside port - not yet ;)
  • ... will be updated!

Prerequisites: On a (kvm)-host with the IP, a natted virtual kvm network bridge with the network was created with e.g. virt-manager.

If your virtual server has the ip - in our example here the vm-webserver - this machine must be applied with virt-manager to the natted-bridge

Inside of the machine you have to apply the gateway of the bridge. Then, and only then you can reach this machine (and ports) with the following script using your hosts (!!!) ip

The port 443 of your webserver on can be reached from outside with

If there is a firewall in front of the kvm-host-machine, you will forward the ports to exacly this address ( to reach your https-website inside the vm-webserver with the ip

Everything is handeled by the gateway of the bridge and the nat rules you apply at start time.


> script="/etc/libvirt/hooks/qemu"; \
touch $script; \
chmod +x $script; \
vim $script

The script runs another script which first removes all custom iptable-rules twice, then re-adds them to the system.

/usr/local/bin/set_iptables_all_guest remove
sleep 1
/usr/local/bin/set_iptables_all_guest remove
sleep 1

/usr/local/bin/set_iptables_all_guest add

Set iptables script for guests (used by qemu hook)

Use this following script for central administration of your iptable rule settings for each machine.

This is handy, because you can test everything manually like this:

set_iptables_all_guests add
set_iptables_all_guests remove

Let's go:

vim /usr/local/bin/set_iptables_all_guests

del_prerouting() {
	iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -p tcp --dport ${1} -j DNAT --to ${2}:${3}

del_forward() {
    iptables -D FORWARD -d ${1}/32 -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport ${2} -j ACCEPT

del_output() {
    #- allows port forwarding from localhost but 
    #  only if you use the ip (e.g
	iptables -t nat -D OUTPUT -p tcp -o lo --dport ${1} -j DNAT --to ${2}:${1}

add_prerouting() {
	iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport ${1} -j DNAT --to ${2}:${3}

add_forward() {
    iptables -I FORWARD -d ${1}/32 -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport ${2} -j ACCEPT

add_output() {
    #- allows port forwarding from localhost but 
    #  only if you use the ip (e.g
	iptables -t nat -I OUTPUT -p tcp -o lo --dport ${1} -j DNAT --to ${2}:${1}

# the admin interface via vpn and ports 4444 and 4445

if [ "${1}" = "${Guest_name}" ]; then

	Host_port=( '4444' '4445' '993' '587' '25' '465' '143' )
	Guest_port=( '80' '443' '993' '587' '25' '465' '143' )

	length=$(( ${#Host_port[@]} - 1 ))

	if [ "${2}" = "stopped" -o "${2}" = "reconnect" ]; then
	    for i in $(seq 0 $length); do
	    	    del_prerouting ${Host_port[$i]}  ${Guest_ipaddr} ${Guest_port[$i]}
	            del_forward ${Guest_ipaddr} ${Guest_port[$i]}
	            #- allows port forwarding from localhost but 
				#  only if you use the ip (e.g
				del_output ${Host_port[$i]} ${Guest_ipaddr}

	if [ "${2}" = "start" -o "${2}" = "reconnect" ]; then
	    for i in `seq 0 $length`; do
	    		add_prerouting ${Host_port[$i]} ${Guest_ipaddr} ${Guest_port[$i]}
	    		add_forward ${Guest_ipaddr} ${Guest_port[$i]}
	            #- allows port forwarding from localhost but 
				#  only if you use the ip (e.g
	    		add_output ${Host_port[$i]} ${Guest_ipaddr}



if [ "${1}" = "${Guest_name}" ]; then

	Host_port=( '80' '443' '8080' )
	Guest_port=( '80' '443' '8080' )

	length=$(( ${#Host_port[@]} - 1 ))

	if [ "${2}" = "stopped" -o "${2}" = "reconnect" ]; then
	    for i in $(seq 0 $length); do
	    	    del_prerouting ${Host_port[$i]}  ${Guest_ipaddr} ${Guest_port[$i]}
	            del_forward ${Guest_ipaddr} ${Guest_port[$i]}
	            #- allows port forwarding from localhost but 
				#  only if you use the ip (e.g
				del_output ${Host_port[$i]} ${Guest_ipaddr}

	if [ "${2}" = "start" -o "${2}" = "reconnect" ]; then
	    for i in `seq 0 $length`; do
	    		add_prerouting ${Host_port[$i]} ${Guest_ipaddr} ${Guest_port[$i]}
	    		add_forward ${Guest_ipaddr} ${Guest_port[$i]}
	            #- allows port forwarding from localhost but 
				#  only if you use the ip (e.g
	    		add_output ${Host_port[$i]} ${Guest_ipaddr}


Troubleshooting Zentyal

Everytime you will alter your network setting in e.g. zentyal and thereby resetting your nat rules, you will need to

  1. shutdown or save the virtual machines
  2. restard libvirtd
  3. import sysctl settings
  4. reapply all iptables settings with an extra script

Therfore use the script mentioned in the NAT section. There use the given bash script for setting ip-tables.

You can use hooks to do this:

touch /etc/zentyal/hooks/firewall.postservice
sudo chmod +x firewall.postservice
#vim /etc/zentyal/hooks/firewall.postservice

/bin/bash /home/administrator/bin/kvm/set_iptables_all_guests remove
sleep 1
/bin/bash /home/administrator/bin/kvm/set_iptables_all_guests add

Then everytime your firewall is restarted (which is the case for network module too!), your NAT settings will be applied.

sudo service zentyal firewall restart

Restarting libvirt manually

Resting libvirt and setting all things right is done manually with the following script.

[ $UID==0 ] || echo "Only run as root" 
[ $UID==0 ] || exit 1 
echo "#############################################################" 
echo "## IPTABLES NAT" 
iptables -nvL -t nat 
/etc/init.d/libvirt-bin restart 
sleep 15 
/home/administrator/bin/kvm/set_iptables_all_guests remove 
/home/administrator/bin/kvm/set_iptables_all_guests remove 
/home/administrator/bin/kvm/set_iptables_all_guests add 
sleep 15 
/sbin/sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf 
iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS  --clamp-mss-to-pmtu 
sleep 15  
echo "#############################################################" 
echo "## IPTABLES NAT"  
iptables -nvL -t nat

NAT rules

View the nat rules with line-numbers: iptables -nvL -t nat --line-number

Delete the PREROUTING rule with the line-number one:

iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING 1

To reach the port inside the port 443 (<port_of_vm> ) inside of the virtual machine with a certain ip (<ip_vm>), do:

iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -d -p tcp --dport <port_of_vm> -j DNAT --to-destination <ip_vm>

Where "1" is the first PREROUTING rule that appears with the above command.

In the above example the first line is the PREROUTING chain with the number "6" and the port 80. This is the FIRST rule.

Another example is to get port 80 traffic running out of a bridged virtual machine with the bridge network

iptables -t nat -I premodules -s -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -D premodules -s -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT 

List all rules:


Restore from a file or stdin:


Restore filtered and commented rules:

comment="my special comment for this test rule"
iptables -A ..... -m comment --comment "${comment}" -j REQUIRED_ACTION
iptables-save | grep -v "${comment}" | iptables-restore


Sometimes it is necessary to remove a bridge.

Remove all network interfaces from the bridge:

brctl delif brX ethX

Bring teh bridge down:

ifconfig brX down

Remove the bridge:

brctl delbr brX

Autostart at boot time

Set the 'autostart' flag so the domain is started upon boot time:

virsh autostart myMachine


On Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) the shutdown scripts already take care of stopping the virtual machines (at least in the newest version of the libvirt-bin package). However, by default the script will only wait 30 seconds for the VMs to shutdown. Depending on the services running in the VM, this can be too short.

In this case, you have to create a file /etc/init/libvirt-bin.override with the following content:

> vim /etc/init/libvirt-bin.override
# extend wait time for vms to shut down to 4 minutes
env libvirtd_shutdown_timeout=240

Backup KVM


LiveBackup (under development - --Apos (talk) 18:07, 30 October 2013 (CET))