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(4. Build a MultiTenant environment in BootStrap.groovy)
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 122: Line 122:
       def myOrganisation = new Organisation(params)
       def myOrganisation = new Organisation(params)
// Sorry Confidental ... ;)
==== LoginController ====
==== LoginController ====
Line 137: Line 138:
  def auth = {
  def auth = {
  // Sorry Confidental ... ;)
[[Category:Java, Groovy and Grails]]

Latest revision as of 19:43, 8 January 2012

An introduction on the concept of multitenant can be found at:


1. Declare mode in Config.groovy

// Multi Tenant
tenant {
	// multiTenant is the default 
	// do "grails create-dns-map" when changing tenantDomains
	// this stroes the dns/tenant mappings into the database
	resolver.request.dns.type = "db"

Later on you can use tenant[dot] to refer to the TenantMap domain class (see later on).

You also have to set a per-environment serverUrl stem for creating absolute links depending on your hostname:

environments {
     development {
         grails.serverURL = "http://localhost:8080/${appName}"
         grails.tenant.domain = "localhost"

2. Declare Tenant Class

This class - I use Organisation.groovy for example - should be a top level class.

E.g. "Organisation" hasMany "Users".

import grails.plugin.multitenant.core.groovy.compiler.MultiTenant;
class Organisation {


3. Create a TenantMap domain class

This is achieved by using the command

grails create-dns-map

This automatically creates a domain class with the name DomainTenantMap.groovy.

package tenant

 * Maps domain name to tenantId
class DomainTenantMap { 
  String domainName
  Integer mappedTenantId
  String name
  static constraints = {}

This class maps to a database table domain_tenant_map.

4. Build a MultiTenant environment in BootStrap.groovy

Tenants (e.g. organisations) are created by instantiating a new tenantDomain ConfigurationHolder.

import grails.plugin.multitenant.core.util.TenantUtils
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.ConfigurationHolder
import tenant.DomainTenantMap // was created with grails create-domain-map

class BootStrap {

   def init = { servletContext ->	
       // This refers to Config.groovy: grails.tenantDomain  = 'myweb1'
       def domainName = ConfigurationHolder.config.grails.tenantDomain

	def myweb1Tenant = DomainTenantMap.findByName('myweb1_dev')
	if ( myweb1Tenant ) {}
	else {
	   myweb1Tenant = new DomainTenantMap(

	   if (myweb1Tenant.save(flush:true) ) {
		   	println "TenantMap entry for myweb1_dev created."
	   } else {
	   		println "Error creating TenantMap entry for myweb1_dev."
                       website1Tenant.errors.allErrors.each { println it.defaultMessage }

The property domainName refers to the correspondent field in the database domain_name. The property mappedtenantId to the field name.

mysql> select * from domain_tenant_map;
| id | version | domain_name     | mapped_tenant_id | name           |
|  1 |       0 | myweb1          |                1 | myweb1_dev     |

You can use sub.domain.tld by concatenating the strings when setting domainName.

Now you can create data for your tenant:

TenantUtils.doWithTenant (website1Tenant.mappedTenantId) {	
    def organisation1 = new Organisation (name: 'Organisation 1')

    [...] // create Users and other stuff

5. Include a login from spring security plugin


The save()-method of the OrganisationController does the magic of adding a tenant.

def save() = {

     def myOrganisation = new Organisation(params)

// Sorry Confidental ... ;)


The LoginController class is responsible for authorisation. This authorisation has to be multitenant aware!

import grails.plugin.multitenant.core.util.TenantUtils

class LoginController {


 * Show the login page.
def auth = {

// Sorry Confidental ... ;)