From Wiki
Use Case
Peter, Paul and Mary are working with one directory tree. They share, use and edit the same files. They all belong to the system group users. But the directory the should be able to write on belongs to the group exchange.
/home | /exchange | /peters_subdir | /peters_file.txt /pauls_subdir | /pauls_file.odf maries_file.doc
- Indiana University Dep. of Comupter Science
- Using ACLs with Fedora Core 2 (Linux Kernel 2.6.5)
- Very good article that sum's up the most common problems Ubuntu Forum
- German - Was ist die umask? Wie kann ich sie festlegen?
- German - Wie nutzt man ACLs (Access Control Lists) richtig?
Distribution specific
Works out of the box (10.3).
Works out of the box.
- NFS server with acl won't work until now with ubuntu
- the following is theory --Apos 01:09, 27 November 2007 (CET)
Pure acl
All filesystems (ext2/3, xfs, reiserfs) are compiled using acl's by default. You only have to mount them with defaults,acl in your /etc/fstab.
To use ACLs in ubuntu do
apt-get install acl
nfs (server) and acl
At first be advised that ubuntu until now (--Apos 19:04, 26 November 2007 (CET)) does not support nfs/acl by default. The kernel is not compiled with nfs/acl support.
To use nfs/acl you have to compile a custom kernel.
Configure the ubuntu kernel
make menuconfig
Go the according subdirectories and enable the ACL support both in NFSv3 file system and server
File systems ---> Network File Systems ---> <M> NFS file system support [*] Provide NFSv3 server support >> [*] Provide client support for the NFSv3 ACL protocol extension <M> NFS server support [*] Provide NFSv3 server support >> [*] Provide server support for the NFSv3 ACL protocol extension
Exit the application after saving .config.
Build the custom kernel
Now we are ready to compile the kernel and kernel_headers:
make-kpkg clean fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-nfs3-with-acl-support kernel_image kernel_headers
Use it
Enable ACL
On some distributions, filesystems are already compiled with acl support. This is the case e.g. for xfs or reiserfs. Otherwise - and this is always wise - enable the ACL's in fstab explicitly:
/etc/fstab /home /dev/hdx ext3 defaults,acl 1 2
Create a new group exchange
Create the new group exchange. In some cases it could be wise to create a user with the same name too, with its own home directory and the default group exchange.
Don't forget to set the default group for the userexchange, when you create it.
chgrp exchange /home/exchange/ chmod g+s /home/exchange
Add ACL support
Changing the default umask for the certain directory and all subdirectories
setfacl -d -m mask:007 /home/exchange/
Optional: You can also additionally do
setfacl -dm g:exchange:rwx /home/exchange
Now every file from any user accessing this directory will be readably/writable for the group exchange.
Useful scripts
Cycle through directories and change all subdirectories/files
# /bin/bash # /root/bin/ cd /home/exchange chmod -R 660 * chown -R exchange:exchange * # ATTENTION find . -type d -exec chmod ug+x {} \;
Cron job
nohup /root/bin/ 1>/dev/null 2>&1 &
Remove ACLs
sudo setfacl -b /directory/to/remove/permissions/from
Prepare the directory
chown /home/exchange chmod 2775 /home/exchange sudo setfacl -d --set u::rwx,g::rwx,o::rx /home/exchange
[exchange] path = /home/exchange browseable = yes writable = yes create mask = 0664 directory mask = 0775
At the time of writing this NFS and ACL not well supported under ubuntu.
Change your fstab mount options. Important is to add acl in the options part.
nfs_server:/home/exchange /home/your_account/exchange nfs \ rw,acl[,...] 0 0
Manually mount like this:
mount -t nfs -o rw,acl[,...] \ nfs_server:/home/exchange /home/your_account/exchange
[,...] stands for e.g. one of these mount options
,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,user,timeo=10,intr ,rw,tcp,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,defaults # for e.g. video data
Tools like rsync, dump or tar don't support acl backup at time of this writing. This will change in future.
If you like to backup directories or files with acl's, you have to use the star (a tar clone) backup utility.
cd /home star -Hexustar -acl -c exchange
star -acl -x
Don't use OpenOffice own file - open/save dialogs. This is changed in Extras->Options->Defaults.
Gnome Nautilus
ACLs are not shown in nautilus when using an nfs share.