Grails enviroment variables
From Wiki
Custom grails environment =
myEnv { dataSource { //dbCreate = "create" // one of 'create', 'create-drop','update' pooled = true dbCreate = "create-drop" // dbCreate = "update" url = "jdbc:mysql://" driverClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect username = "anUser" password = "mypass" properties { minEvictableIdleTimeMillis=1800000 timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis=1800000 numTestsPerEvictionRun=3 testOnBorrow=true testWhileIdle=true testOnReturn=true validationQuery="SELECT 1" } }
// set per-environment serverURL stem for creating absolute links environments { myEnv { // = "/" roadrunner.websiteUrl = "http://mysite" grails.serverURL = "http://mysite" grails.tenantDomain = "mysite" grails.domain = "mysite" jqueryUi.minified = false; jqueryUi.cdn = 'googlecode' }
And don't forget log4j
touch /var/log/tomcat6/myapp_stacktrace.log chown tomcat6:tomcat6 /var/log/tomcat6/myapp_stacktrace.log // log4j configuration log4j = { // Example of changing the log pattern for the default console // appender: // appenders { console name:'stdout', layout:pattern(conversionPattern: '%c{2} %m%n') } environments { myEnv { log4j.appender.'errors.File'="/var/log/tomcat6/myapp_stacktrace.log" error 'org.whatever', 'org.other' warn 'org.another' }