From Wiki
Convert phpbb code
Simple and perfect quick and dirty bash script (this is not a real parser):
- does not preserver numbered lists!
- and some other limitations ;)
#!/bin/bash myScript="${1}" myBasename="$(basename "${myScript}")" cat "${myScript}" | \ sed -e "s/\[B\]/\'\'\'/g" | \ sed -e "s/\[\/B\]/\'\'\'/g" | \ sed -e "s/\[I\]/\'\'/g" | \ sed -e "s/\[\/I\]/\'\'/g" | \ sed -e "s/\[U\]//g" | \ sed -e "s/\[\/U\]//g" | \ sed -e "s/\[LIST\]//g" | \ sed -e "s/\[\/LIST\]//g" | \ sed -e "s/\[LIST\=1\]//g" | \ sed -e "s/\[\/LIST\=1\]//g" | \ sed -e "s/\[CODE\]/\<code\>/g" | \ sed -e "s/\[\/CODE\]/\<\/code\>/g" | \ sed -e "s/\[\*\]/\*\ /g" | \ sed -e "s/\[\/I\]/\*\ /g" | sed -e "s/^\ \*\ \ /\*\ /g" | \ sed -e "s/^\ \*\ /\*\ /g" | \ sed -e "s/\*\ \ /\*\ /g" | \ sed -e "s/\*\ \ \ /\*\ /g" | \ sed -e "s/\[URL\=\"/\[/g" | \ sed -e "s/\"\]/\ /g" | \ sed -e "s/\[\/URL\]/\]/g" | \ sed -e "s/^\ //g" | \ sed -e "s/^\ //g" | \ sed -e "s/^\ //g" | \ sed -e "s/^\ //g" | \ awk '{system("echo -n \"\""); print $0}' > "$(pwd)/${myBasename}.wiki" echo ---------------------------------------------- echo "---- Copy & Past into the wiki ---------------" echo vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv cat "$(pwd)/${myBasename}.wiki" echo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ echo "--- END --------------------------------------" echo ---------------------------------------------- rm "$(pwd)/${myBasename}.wiki"
Add a whitepace in front of a given textfile
Mediawikisyntax forces you to add a whitespace in front of each line to get teh "source code view".
Pass a text file to the following script and copy and paste the terminal output:
#!/bin/sh # myScript="${1}" myBasename="$(basename "${myScript}")" cat "${myScript}" | awk '{system("echo -n \" \""); print $0}' > "$(pwd)/${myBasename}.wiki" echo ---------------------------------------------- echo "---- Copy & Past into the wiki ---------------" echo vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv cat "$(pwd)/${myBasename}.wiki" echo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ echo "--- END --------------------------------------" echo ---------------------------------------------- rm "$(pwd)/${myBasename}.wiki"
vserver installation - SuSE 9.0
Initial installation
- Media Wiki 1.6.6
- Mysql 4.0.15
- SuSE 9.0 on vserver
There are some major problems concerning the installation of media wiki on SuSE 9.0 on a vserver:
- Mysql is only version 4.0.15
- PHP is per default limited in memory
You will get an error during installation.
Because of a bug in php you should do 3 things:
1. php.ini
First edit /etc/php.ini an change the memory limit from 8 to 50MB:
memory_limit = 50M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB)
2. tables.sql
Second due to a bug in older mysql versions you have to change two installation files of the media wiki.
At the end of the file
KEY (job_cmd, job_namespace, job_title) ) TYPE=InnoDB, DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
KEY (job_cmd(255), job_namespace, job_title(255)) ) TYPE=InnoDB, DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
3. patch-job.sql
(!) The same (!) like for tables.sql you have to do in file maintenance/archives/patch-job.sql
Alter user groups in the database
Also see the MediaWiki Manual pages: User_rights
Edit your mysql database:
mysql -u root -p mysql> use YourMediawikiDBName
Show the actual user settings:
mysql> select user_id,user_name from user; +---------+-----------+ | user_id | user_name | +---------+-----------+ | 1 | aUsername | | 2 | WikiSysOp | +---------+-----------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Show the actual usergoups assigned to what users:
mysql> select * from user_groups; +---------+------------+ | ug_user | ug_group | +---------+------------+ | 1 | bureaucrat | | 1 | sysop | | 2 | sysop | +---------+------------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Delete a row:
mysql> DELETE from user_groups where ug_group='aGroup' and ug_user='####';
Assign a user to a group:
mysql> INSERT INTO user_groups (ug_user, ug_group) VALUES ('####', 'aGroup');
... where '####' is the user_id of the appropriate user.
You find the file in /srv/www/PathToMediaWiki/. . Also see the MediaWiki Manual pages: User_rights.
## PERMISSIONS # This snippet prevents new registrations from anonymous users # (Sysops can still create user accounts) #$wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = false;
## USERS ## see: # This snippet prevents editing from anonymous users $wgGroupPermissions['*']['edit'] = false;
# This will still allow logged in users to edit $wgGroupPermissions['user']['edit'] = true;
# No Pin header for non-logged in users $wgShowIPinHeader = false;
# This snippet prevents new registrations from anonymous users # (Sysops can still create user accounts) #$wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = false;