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Revision as of 18:53, 25 November 2007 by Apos (talk | contribs) (Backup)

Use Case

Peter, Paul and Mary are working with one directory tree. They share, use and edit the same files. They all belong to the system group users. But the directory the should be able to write on belongs to the group exchange.

/home   |
        /exchange  |
                   /peters_subdir |
                   /pauls_subdir  |


Use it

Enable ACL

Enable the ACL's in fstab

/home   /dev/hdx   ext3   defaults,exec,acl   1 2

Create a new group exchange

Create the new group exchange. In some cases it could be wise to create a user with the same name too, with its own home directory and the default group exchange. Don't forget to set the default group for the user.

chgrp exchange /home/exchange/
chmod g+s /home/exchange

Add ACL support

Changing the default umask for the certain directory and all subdirectories

setfacl -d -m mask:007 /home/exchange/

Now every file from any user accessing this directory will be readably/writable for the group exchange.


Change your fstab mount options. Important is to add acl in the options part.

nfs_server:/home/exchange /home/your_account/exchange  nfs \
        rw,acl[,...]  0 0

Manually mount like this:

mount -t nfs -o rw,acl[,...] \
    nfs_server:/home/exchange /home/your_account/exchange

[,...] stands for e.g. one of these mount options



If you like to backup directories or files with acl's, you have to use the star (a tar clone) backup utility.

Tools like rsync or tar don't support acl backup at time of this writing. This will change in future.