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Revision as of 01:23, 13 January 2012 by Apos (talk | contribs)


There are different ways to install git, gitolite, and e.g. gitlabhq on Debian oder Ubuntu. Be sure to read the comlete (!) gitolite documentation before you proceed.

This article is mainly for Debian squeeze (6.0) server.

Mainly this boils down to:

  1. should use gitolite anyway
  2. which username you like to use by default to access the server: git, gitolite, whatever
  3. which port to use for ssh
  4. create a public or private repo
  5. have http access via smarthttp or #GitlabHQ gitlabhq



Fast, secure and stable solution based on Ruby on Rails & Gitolite.


Gitolite is the new framework around git. Easy project and user rights management.

Everything well documented online:


Is not activly maintained and developed any more. Use gitolite instead.