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Revision as of 15:48, 4 November 2015 by Apos (talk | contribs) (HowTo gitolite)

HowTo git


Bare Repo

Since git 1.7.0, if you like to create a server repo you have to use a so called "bare repo". This is a directory which contains NO worktree. For convention, you better name this director like "my_repo.git". The ".git" postfix should indicate this is a "bare repo".

On the server:

mkdir my_repo.git
git init --bare my_repo.git
git update-server-info

On the client

# point origin to the server URL
git remote add origin user@server:/path/to/my_repo.git
# OR, if the origin was somewhere else
git remote set-url origin user@server:/path/to/my_repo.git
# push everything to the server
git push origin master

You might also want to convert a given repo into a bare one:

Further reading:

HowTo gitolite

[UPDATE] --Apos (talk) 16:12, 4 November 2015 (CET)

Due to the fact I completely do not use the gui interfaces for git any more, I simple recommend using plain commandline git including secured ssh (string password, fail2ban, and / or rsa key usage ;-) On the server simply use [[#Bare_Repo|a bare git repo]. If someone really needs this for production usage or like within a company, you should get a commerial account with gitlab or any other service.

This article about gitolite therefore is not maintained any more.

There are different ways to install git, gitolite, and webacces (e.g. [[#GitlabHQ|gitlabhq])] on Debian oder Ubuntu.

In any case: be sure to read the complete (!) gitolite documentation before you proceed. This article is mainly for Debian squeeze (6.0) server.

Mainly this boils down to:

  1. should use gitolite anyway
  2. which username you like to use by default to access the server: git, gitolite, whatever
  3. which port to use for ssh
  4. create a public or private repo
  5. have http access via smarthttp or gitlabhq
  6. install it manually or the "debian way" (apt-get), however the latter will give you automatic security updates



Fast, secure and stable solution based on Ruby on Rails & Gitolite.


Gitolite is the new framework around git. Easy project and user rights management.

Everything well documented online:


User git

After an uninstallation the user git remains on the system.

I had some problems (re)creating a user on my debian system (squeeze). I reverted (uninstalled) a gitolite installation and deleted the user git with

userdel -rf git

After that I had to recreate a new user git with:

useradd -d /home/git -b /home/git -m -s /bin/bash git
passwd git

If you not do this, there is not valid shell, the userdir in /home is not created and there is no password!


Is not activly maintained and developed any more. Use gitolite instead.


git pull
fatal: unable to access '': 
   Failed to connect to port 443: Connection timed out

Disable the firewall.

Edit the local git configuration:

git config --global --edit

Trace the problem:

GIT_TRACE=1 git pull

Possible solutions:

git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://
git config --global --unset http.proxy
git config --global http.sslverify false
git config --global http.sslverify true
git config --global http.sslCAPath /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/


* GIT://: