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(3. Create a TenantMap domain class)
(4. Build a MultiTenat environment in BootStrap.groovy)
Line 69: Line 69:
The property ''domainName'' refers to the correspondent field in the database ''domain_name''.
The property ''mappedtenantId '' to the field name.
mysql> select * from domain_tenant_map;
| id | version | domain_name    | mapped_tenant_id | name          |
|  1 |      0 | sub.domain.tld  |                1 | myweb1        |
== Spring Security ==
== Spring Security ==

Revision as of 09:46, 5 September 2011

All plugins can be downloaded at: http://grails.org/plugins

Multi Tenant

An introduction on the concept of multitenant can be found at:


1. Declare mode in Config.groovy

// Multi Tenant
tenant {
	// multiTenant is the default 
	// do "grails create-dns-map" when changing tenantDomains
	// this stroes the dns/tenant mappings into the database
	resolver.request.dns.type = "db"

Later on you can use tenant[dot] to refer to the TenantMap domain class (see later on).

2. Declare Tenant Class

This class should be a top level class. E.g. "Organisation" hasMany "Users".

import grails.plugin.multitenant.core.groovy.compiler.MultiTenant;
class Organisation {


3. Create a TenantMap domain class

This is achieved by using the command

grails create-dns-map

This automatically creates a domain class with the name DomainTenantMap.groovy.

package tenant

 * Maps domain name to tenantId
class DomainTenantMap { 
  String domainName
  Integer mappedTenantId
  String name
  static constraints = {}

4. Build a MultiTenat environment in BootStrap.groovy

import grails.plugin.multitenant.core.util.TenantUtils
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.ConfigurationHolder
import tenant.DomainTenantMap // was created with grails create-domain-map

class BootStrap {

   def init = { servletContext ->	
	def domainName = ConfigurationHolder.config.grails.tenantDomain
       if  { 
       } else {
          new DomainTenantMap(  name:'myweb1',

The property domainName refers to the correspondent field in the database domain_name. The property mappedtenantId to the field name.

mysql> select * from domain_tenant_map;
| id | version | domain_name     | mapped_tenant_id | name           |
|  1 |       0 | sub.domain.tld  |                1 | myweb1         |

Spring Security


grails s2quickstart  your.package SecUser SecRole

creates two domain classes and corresponding controllers.

Integrade domain classes

class MyDomainClass extends SecUser {



class BootStrap {

  def dpringSecurityService

  def init = {
      def userRole = SecRole.findByAuthority("ROLE_USER") ?: new SecRole(authority: "ROLE_USER").save()
      def adminRole = SecRole.findByAuthority("ROLE_ADMIN") ?: new SecRole(authority: "ROLE_ADMIN").save()
  def users = User.list() ?: []
  if (!users) {
     def user = new User(
         password: springSecurityService.enodePassord("myPass")
         enabled = true

  SecUserSecRole.create user, userRole

Annotate the controller actions

import grails.plugins.springsecurity.Secured

class DomainClassController {

   def myAction = {


Create a currentUser() method in the controller

class DomainClassController {

   def myAction = {
       def currentUser = currentuser();

   private currentUser() {