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Using VirtualBox and KVM together

This is NOT possible!!!

Use VirtualBox

sudo service qemu-kvm stop
sudo service vboxdrv start

OR use KVM

sudo service vboxdrv stop
sudo service qemu-kvm start


Migration from VirtualBox to KVM

This boils down to

  1. creating a clone of the vbox-machine (easiest way of getting rid of snapshots for a play vbox-disk)
  2. converting the images from vbox to qcow
  3. creating and configuring a new kvm-guest
  4. adding some NAT-fu (see next section)
VBoxManage clonehd -format RAW myOldVM.vbox /home/vm-exports/myNewVM.raw
cd /home/vm-exports/
qemu-img convert -f raw myNewVM.raw -O qcow2 myNewVM.qcow
# for a snapshot do (not tested)
cd /to/the/SnapShot/dir
VBoxManage clonehd -format RAW SNAPSHOT_UUID /home/vm-exports/myNewVM.raw

Accessing services on KVM guests behind a NAT

I am referring to this article:

which ist mentioned in the libvirt wiki:

I installed the qemu-python script of the first articel under ubuntu 12.04 LTS, which worked like expected.

So I can access a port in the virtualmachine-guest with the IP/Port of the host (!). From within the host, it is possible to reach the