VMware - VMware Player - on OpenSuse 10.1

From Blue-IT.org Wiki

Revision as of 15:46, 6 June 2006 by Apos (talk | contribs) (Install VMware)


  • Get the VMware(player) rpm package (e.g. VMware-player-1.0.1-19317.i386.rpm) from VMware
  • Installation of Open SuSE 10.1
  • Kernel 2.6.16-4-default
  • Actual version of vmware-any-any-update. Search Google.

If you installed vmware(player) before, be shure to delete all files in /tmp:

rm -rf /tmp/vmware-*

Kernel source

Get the kernel-source, gcc, g++ and make and check if everything installed fine:

rpm -qa kernel* gcc* make

Prepare kerneltree

According to <ref>to install VMware 5.0 workstation on SUSE Linux 10.0</ref> do the following: Go into the kernel source directory and make a configfile.

cd /usr/src/linux
make cloneconfig
make prepare
make prepare_all 
make modules_prepare (THIS IS IMPORTANT FOR 10.1 !!)

This is necessary because otherwise vmware will NOT compile and leave you with an error message about the wrong kernel directory /usr/src/linux/includ.

Install VMware

1. Install vmware(player) rpm package. 2. Start Installation which and abort with STRG+C when asked for the kernel source directory. 3. Untar vmware-any-any-update and change to the directory and run

cd vmware-any-any-updateXXX/
perl runme.pl

No vmware(player) should compile without problems.

